Monday, December 23, 2024

                                        How to Protect your eyes from Blue Light

It's No secret Screen Time is taking a toll on our eyes. From dryness and strain to long term risks like age related macular degeneration (AMD), the effects of Blue Light are hard to ignore. But there is good news:
Macular carotenoids- Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Mesco-zeaxanthin are natures answer to protecting your vision. This not only effects adults but children as well, think about it when you put a screen in front of your child you could be effecting their sight as they get older.
Lets take a look at how powerful antioxidants:

  • Act as natural blue light filters to protect your retina
  • Reduce oxidative stress and support overal eye health
  • Even promote heart heslth by reducing arterial plaque buildup

Blue light. Its the highest energy part of the visible spectrum, but prolonged exposure to it can damage the retina and contribute to age related macular degeneration or (AMD), a leading cause of blindness.

Oxidative stress is behind the condition, but macular carotenoids are proven to act as antioxidants to neutralize free radicals and protect the retina. Studies show benefits of supplementing with all 3 macular carotenoids, with a standard dosage of 10 m lutein, 2 mg zeaxanthin and 10 mg Meso zeaxanthin.

Recent research also suggests these carotenoids may also protect against heart disease by reducing arterial plaque buildup.

It was to long ago that was noted leading cause of blindness in those over age 65 was age-related macular degeneration or (AMD). As its name suggests, when you get older, the part of the retina in the back of the eye ball called macula begins to break down. So this is nothing new to us here when you get older, your plumbing can start to experience challenges. Your joint ache, your muscles aren't as strong, you get wrinkles, your memory is not as sharp as it used to be. We all get think about it makes sense that something in the eyes will break down, too. Might as well be the macula. You get blurred central vision. The you go blind. WOW ok lets take a closer look now on what we can do for prevention.


Science notes the macula does not fully mature until age 13 or perhaps age 15. You need to be aware of your children screen time. Which means as long as the adults in the room don't give their pre-teen children a phone or computer, we'll be fine. But then that’s not going to happen right??

So supplementing with some foods and vitamin supplementation will help your eye health. 

We suggest to look for formulations is to use the 10/2 combo for eye health 10mg Lutein and 2mg Zeaxanthin


Zeaxanthin is a natural carotenoid from plants, algae and microorganisms found in foods such as hot chili peppers, corn, orange and red peppers, microalgae and egg yolks.. Zeaxanthin is another critical macular pigment that, like lutein, accumulates in the retina, particularly in the macula. Zeaxanthin has shown to protect the central vision area and similar antioxidant and blue-light filtering functions.

Zeaxanthin has been tied to reducing the risk of cataracts and  AMD progression. Lutein and Zeaxanthin have also been indicated in age-related cataract prevention, especially nuclear cataract in a dose-responce manner.

Meso-Zeaxanthin is less commonly found in the diet, but has been detected in shrimp  carapace, fish skin and turtle fat; additionally it can be synthesized from lutein in the retina.

 The concentration at the center of the macula, meso-zeaxanthin has shown studies that when combined with lutein and zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin are essential for maintaining eye health, protecting against age-related macular degeneration and improving visual function.

So consumers are seeking solutions to digital eye strain and computer vision syndrome. So describes every type of business professional who spends endless hours in front of the computer and online meetings or long hours, teenagers and children who are exposed to constant screen time on their phones and tablets, students who are on their computers and phones and of course the massive market of e-gamers.

Addressing these issues is critical, as we are warned that damage to retinal cells caused by prolonged exposure to blue light may also play a roll in the development of cataracts.


WoW that was  a lot of good information hopefully this gives you some Insite of how important now days to keep up on your eye health, for you and your children.

Until next time

Dr Phillip Dietrich



Sunday, July 12, 2015

Pears for your Health

A fruit of the Rosacie family of trees, the pear is abundant in antioxidants, flavonoids and dietary fiber while being fat and cholesterol-free and low in calories. A university analyzed the pulp and skin of the Bartlett and Starkrimson varieties of the pear to ascertain the probiotic potential of the compounds present in the fruit. The researchers found that the peel (as compared to pulp) of the pear exhibited phenolic content, whereas the pulp was high in antioxidant activity.

And as further study observed that fermented whole pear juice exerted an inhibitory effect on the stomach ulcer bacterium, Heicobacter pylori. so in conclusion  "Pear has potential for phenolic linked management of type 2 diabetes associated hyperglycemia and hypertension". Antioxidnats and phenolis in pears possibly balance gut microbiota as well as manage early-stage type 2 diabetes and hypertension, according to the
It's great that this study was done to see the balance of beneficial bacterial activity in the digestive process, as our gut helps our body in over all health. And plus this is not a pill but your actually eating a fruit, I say the more you eat as much raw fruits and veggies the better.

So I would recommend adding Pears to your morning regime, I myself do their are a lot of varieties to choose from and when they are in season I defiantly add this to my regime.If you haven't tried them give it a try just make sure they are ripe enough to eat or ask your produce person for help, on how to pick a good pear.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Have unexplained belly fat and feel stressed or foggy? Your thyroid may be causing some big problems.

Your Thyroid Checklist

If you're feeling fatigued, foggy and fat and you can't figure out why, you may have a hidden hormone problem. The thyroid, a small gland in your neck, helps your body balance hormone production and is largely responsible for regulating your metabolism. Even if your doctor says your numbers are in the "normal" range, a slightly sluggish thyroid could still leave you feeling lethargic. Review this checklist to see if your thyroid could be the cause of your problems.


Here  the check list:

Weight Gain: Still packing on pounds even though you've been eating well and exercising? Because the thyroid controls metabolism, weight gain is one of the most common symptoms of low thyroid function. If you've gained 10 or more pounds over three months without an obvious explanation, consider getting your thyroid function checked.

Brain Fog: If you feel like you're walking around in a haze, your thyroid could be to blame. Feeling unusually forgetful and confused, and having trouble concentrating, are also symptoms of a slow thyroid. We all feel this way now and then (especially if we aren't getting enough sleep), but if you feel this way consistently for three months or more, talk to your doctor.

Fatigue: Do you consistently feel like you have half the energy you normally should? Feeling tired or just plain exhausted all the time is another sign of a hormone problem.

Constipation: Don't be embarrassed to admit that you have this uncomfortable symptom. Note how often you have a bowel movement. If you have bowel movements substantially less often than once every one to two days, if your stool is hard, dry, pebble-like or requires straining to pass, you could be constipated – which is yet another symptom of low thyroid hormone.

Cold: Feeling cold all the time could point to a thyroid problem. Try checking your body temperature with an axillary thermometer (one that goes under the armpit) for a week right before you get out of bed. If your temperature is under 98° F for at least five days, consider getting your thyroid checked.

Partner with your doctor if you have said yes to the above check list.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Find out what foods to stay away from and what to put on the menu when you have type 2 diabetes.

Does  having Type 2 Diabetes mean you have to give up on the things you love-you can still enjoy various range of foods.

The best diabetes diet is one that is well balanced and includes a variety of healthy carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The trick to is choosing the right combination of foods that will help keep blood sugar level in your target range and avoid big swings that can cause diabetes symptoms — from the frequent urination and thirst of high blood sugar to the fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and mood changes of low blood sugar.

The Basics of the Type 2 Diabetes Diet

To follow a healthy diet, you must first understand how different foods affect your blood sugar. Carbohydrates, which are found in grains, bread, pasta, milk, sweets, fruit and starchy vegetables, are broken down into glucose in the blood faster than other types of food, which raises blood sugar levels. Protein and fats do not directly impact blood sugar, but both should be consumed in moderation.

Best and Worst Type 2 Diabetes Choices by Food Group

As you fill your plate at each meal, here’s a helpful guideline to keep in mind: Fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables. Round out the meal with other healthy choices — whole grains, nuts and seeds, lean protein, low-fat dairy, and small portions of fresh fruits and healthy fats. Sugar should be limited.

Here’s what you need to know about choosing the best options from each group.

·         Best options: Lean proteins low in saturated fat, like fish or turkey. Aim for two or three servings of seafood each week; some fish, like salmon, have the added benefit of containing heart healthy omega-3 fats. For a vegetarian protein source, experiment with the wide variety of beans. consider adding nuts, which are protein and healthy fats powerhouses, are also a great choice — just watch portion sizes as they're very high in calories.

·         Worst options: Processed deli meats and hot dogs have high amounts of fat along with lots of sodium, which can increase the risk of high blood pressure. Heart attack and stroke are two common complications of diabetes, so keeping blood pressure in check is important.


·         Best options: When choosing grains, make sure they’re whole and Organic. Whole grains such as wild rice, quinoa, and whole grain breads and cereals contain fiber, which is beneficial for digestive health. Whole grains also contain healthy vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals.

·         Worst options: Refined white flour doesn’t contain the same health benefits as whole grains. Processed foods made with white flour include breakfast cereals, white bread, and pastries, so avoid these options. Also try to steer clear of white rice and pasta.


·         Best options: With only 6 to 8 grams of carbohydrates in a serving, plain nonfat Greek yogurt is a healthy and versatile dairy option. You can add berries and enjoy it for dessert or breakfast; you can use it in recipes as a replacement for sour cream, which is high in saturated fat.

·         Worst options: Avoid all full-fat dairy products and especially packaged chocolate milk, as it also has added sugar.


·         Best options: Non-starchy vegetables such as leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and carrots are low in carbohydrates and high in fiber and other nutrients. You can eat non-starchy vegetables in abundance — half of your plate should be filled with these veggies. If you’re craving mashed potatoes, give mashed cauliflower a try.

·         Worst options: Stick to small portions of starchy vegetables such as corn, potatoes, and peas. These items are nutritious, but should be eaten in moderation.

·         Fruit

·         Best options: Fresh fruit can conquer your craving for sweets while providing antioxidants and fiber. Berries are a great option because recommended portion sizes are typically generous, which may leave you feeling more satisfied.


·         Worst options: Avoid added sugar by limiting fruits canned in syrup, and be aware that dried fruits have a very high sugar concentration. Also, fruit juices should be consumed in moderation as they’re high in sugar and don’t contain the same nutrients as whole fruit.


·         Best options: Some types of fat actually help protect your heart. Choose the monounsaturated fats found in avocados, almonds, and pecans or the polyunsaturated fats found in walnuts and sunflower oil, which can help to lower bad cholesterol.

·         Worst options: Saturated fats increase bad cholesterol, so limit butter, cheese, gravy, and fried foods. Keep calories from saturated fat to less than 10 percent of your total daily intake. Trans fats are even worse than saturated fats, so avoid them as much as possible. Look for the term “hydrogenated” on labels of processed foods such as packaged snacks, baked goods, and crackers. “I always tell my patients to double-check the ingredient list to make sure they don’t see any partially hydrogenated oil in their food products.


Hopefully this will help some of you on what to look for and what to stay away from, it's all about reading the labels.

With all the above info try to use Organic when ever possible, stay away from those chemicals that seem to creep up in our food and besides who wants to eat a chemical laced food??

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Techno-Stress is the psychological and physiological consequence of evolving habits due to the use of modern information Technologies at offices, homes, academic and social situations, as they permeate into virtually every moment and aspect of our current life.
The integration of computing and communication devices such as PC's, tablets and smartphones. combine with compulsive, yet often impersonal connectedness, constant posts and updates, multi-tasking  and the pressure to respond to work related issues in continual and intrusive real-time.

 Symptoms Present As:
  •  Cognitive overload, with depleted focus on sustained thinking and creative analysis.
  •  Anxiety presenting as irritable, headaches, mental fatigue, depression, nightmares, panic attacks, feels of helplessness, and error in judgment.
An overabundance of media bombards us daily with images and sounds of natural disasters, wars, crimes, and danger. Visual and auditory data is transmitted to the amygdala with enough intensity to trigger the Stress response in both the body and mind thus producing  a surge of epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) into the blood stream. This  happens through news, and even fantasy based media such as films or computer gaming simulations.

Wow that was a lot of information.. so what can we do to detox our selves. First grounding and connecting with natural world, apart from the electronic technology, purifies the psyche and is akin to hitting the reset button on Stress. Whether short periods of time or visiting a tech detox  retreat or vacation resort, tech detox relieves stress, clears the mind and promotes restoration, joyful health and well-being.
So if you have a chance during lunch break or get outside if you can walk around under the tree's deep breath to get some natural oxygen into your lungs, clear your mind for a moment will do you a lot of good health wise because clear thinking makes  happier work day.  I recommend 1 hour of downtime each day, 1 day per week and 1 week every 3-4 months to focus on the 3 R's the rejuvenate and restore.
 Relaxation, Recreation and Relationships let's Re-set that Button.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Need to find out what's causing your digestive upset?

These simple steps to an elimination diet take about five months to complete and will let you know whether the culprit is soy, dairy, citrus, wheat, nuts or something else altogether.

 1. For two to four weeks, stop eating the most common irritation culprits: soy, dairy, citrus, wheat, and nuts. You can also try eliminating other foods that you eat frequently or tend to crave. These may cause IBS symptoms, too.

 2. If symptoms don't improve during the elimination period, you may not have a dietary IBS trigger. If you find relief, challenge yourself by reintroducing one food at a time for three to four days, noting how your body reacts. If you suffer a bout of IBS, take the food back out. If you feel fine, leave the food in your diet. Then progress to the next test food.

 3. Assessing all five ingredients takes about two months, and by the end, you will likely have identified food categories you're better off avoiding. “It's not a cure,” “but it can give you a greater degree of control over your symptoms. If dairy is a big trigger, it doesn't mean you can't ever eat it. But you know that if you eat cheese fondue, you're going to experience symptoms for the next few days.”

If your digestion and immune system seem a bit off, it may be time to boost probiotics in your body—those beneficial bacteria that promote overall health. Here are foods to look for and ways to supplement with probiotics for yourself and kids.
Lately, your digestion feels off; in fact, you've caught a few more colds than usual and your overall vitality seems a bit compromised. Must be time to detox, right? The truth is that solely focusing on flushing toxins from your digestive system is a bit like cleaning the pool filters but forgetting to add chlorine. I recommend a colon cleanse it's easy to do and I do it my self twice a year.
 "We tend to think of gut maintenance as only removing poisons and neglect to think of what we need to add to our system to keep it healthy,"   That's where probiotics (or friendly bacteria) come in.

Foods high in probiotics

• Aged cheese
• Beer (microbrews)
• Cottage cheese (look for bacterial strains in ingredient list)
• Kefir
• Kimchi
• Miso
• Pickled ginger
• Pickles (brine-cured, without vinegar)
• Sauerkraut
• Shoyu
• Tamari
• Tempeh
• Tofu
• Wine
• Yogurt

At any given time, there are about 100 trillion bacterial microbes living inside your body — enough microscopic beings to fill up a quart jar — most of which reside in the digestive tract. “The digestive system is like a rainforest — teeming with life,”.
 When friendly bacteria levels outnumber the bad, the body is in stasis. But the by-products of modern life often throw this delicate balance out of whack. “The combination of a typical Western diet, the high stress levels of modern life, and an over-reliance on antibiotics is the equivalent of clear-cutting parts of our internal ecology,”.  In other words, if you're a typical member of Western society, it's likely time to reforest your internal landscape.
 There are thousands of probiotic strains, or friendly flora, found naturally in everything from breast milk to pickles. When ingested they actively promote overall health in many ways. Probiotics take up room and resources in the digestive tract and make it inhospitable to unfriendly microbes. They encourage regularity: In a 2006 Spanish study, daily probiotic consumption increased the frequency and volume of bowel movements, and a 2007 study found that the probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG greatly reduced acute diarrhea in children. Good bacteria also manufacture a range of B vitamins, which the body cannot create or store on its own and which offset the effects of stress; vitamin K, which bolsters bone density; and enzymes that aid metabolism.
 And the benefits of probiotics extend well beyond the realm of nutrition and digestion. “Because the digestive system is our first line of defense against harmful bacteria carried in through food, drink, or air, probiotics help the immune system function correctly. In recent studies, probiotics reduced the duration and severity of colds, cut down recurrences of eczema outbreaks, increased the effectiveness of the flu vaccine, and decreased the risk of diabetes.
 If you suffer from constipation or diarrhea, frequent colds, yeast infections, or inflammatory or autoimmune conditions (such as IBS, allergies, asthma, or rheumatoid arthritis), it's likely your probiotic levels need a boost. But even if you're relatively healthy, increasing your intake of probiotics through diet and supplements tips the balance in your favor.
 Revamp your diet
 Natural sources of probiotics include fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, or cultured foods, such as yogurt. Pay attention to your intake of prebiotics, too. Prebiotics are probiotics' favorite foods and help them thrive. But maintaining a healthy gut requires more than just eating a cup of yogurt with berries now and then. “In order to keep your bacteria levels in balance with diet alone, you have to commit to eating fermented and cultured foods every day,”.  While that may be possible during quiet times, when you can eat the majority of your meals at home, one spurt of busyness can derail your efforts. Luckily, probiotics come in easy-to-take supplements.

What are prebiotics?

Like many health-boosting nutrients, probiotics don't function in isolation. They require food, or “prebiotics” — including oligosaccharides and inulin (forms of soluble fiber found in some grains, fruits, and vegetables) and phenols (antioxidant compounds also found in plant foods). Eating more of the following prebiotic-rich foods can help support your probiotic numbers.

 Jerusalem artichokes
 Beer (microbrews)
 Red wine
 Dark chocolate
 Whole rye
 Herbs, fresh
 Whole wheat
Taking probiotic supplements   is like taking out an insurance policy — it protects you during the tough times. To get the most mileage out of your supplement, I suggests opening the pill casing and sprinkling the contents into a beverage or onto food so that the flora are introduced to your mouth and esophagus — important links in the digestive chain — as well as your stomach and intestines. Just be sure the food isn't scorching hot — anything above warm may kill the microbes.
If you have any questions regarding this issue or if you have a friend or family member with this issue pass along this article or call me. I would be happy to help you.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Let's Get your Body in Shape with a friendly Detox

10 detox foods for daily cleanse support

Some cleanses involve varying stages of starvation combined with laxative herbs and gallons of fiber drinks. But a good detox is actually easier—and tastier—than you might think. The goal is to stimulate liver enzymes, increase bowel movements to empty intestines of waste, and help the kidneys eliminate toxins that build up in your tissues, organs, and blood. It’s TLC for your digestive system, and it benefits every part of your body.

The key points:  First, Avoid  meat, cheese, fats, soy, chocolate, sugar, and salty foods. Second, emphasize lots of liquids and plant-based, high-fiber, organic foods to stimulate the colon and reduce intake of new toxins. Best of all, focus on foods with specific cleansing properties, starting with these delicious detoxifiers.
Try to include at least five of these in your diet every day, eating only enough to feel sated, never full. Stick to it, and you’ll see and feel results—more energy, clearer brain, and even weight loss—in as little as a week.


This edible flower bud augments the detox work of the kidneys and liver. It’s also rich in liver- protective agents, including cynarin, a compound that stimulates the liver and gallbladder. One artichoke contains a robust 10 grams of colon-sweeping fiber, for only 65 calories.

How to use: Steam and serve with a roasted red pepper sauce; toss bottled, drained artichoke hearts into salads and pasta sauces.

 Daikon radish

This spicy root (it looks like a large, white carrot) is traditionally used to clear mucus from the body and remove toxins. Daikon, like other brassicas, contains a group of cancer-fighting chemicals called glucosinolates, including glucobrassicin. Chewing daikon releases an enzyme that eventually converts glucobrassicin into diindolylmethane (DIM), a compound that neutralizes harmful forms of estrogen.

How to use: Peel, grate or shred, and layer into sandwiches; cut into coins for crudités; toss chunks into bean stew.


They’re the highest dietary source of lignans, fiber like compounds that detoxify harmful forms of estrogen. Flaxseeds also provide anti- inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, and their high fiber content stimulates bowel movement.

How to use: Stir 2 tablespoons ground flaxseed daily into cereal, smoothies, or juice



Like rosemary, antibacterial garlic encourages production of glutathione, a potent detoxifying antioxidant, enabling the liver to complete the detox process.   It’s also high in sulfur-containing compounds and antioxidants that protect cells from damage.

How to use: Mash or mince one clove daily and eat it raw or lightly cooked; mix into hummus, blend into dressings, or eat straight up.


Green tea

Long known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, green tea also supports the liver and increases detoxifying enzymes—in one study, by as much as 80 percent. Its mild caffeine content, along with calming L-theanine and alkalizing properties, make it a good way to start your day during a cleanse.

How to use: Drink 2–4 cups daily; use as soup broth, too.


Leafy greens

Leafy greens such as spinach are alkalizing, and are rich in blood-cleansing and cancer-preventive chlorophyll. Choose watercress, arugula, collards, kale, and other members of the brassica family, and you’ll also help your body eliminate harmful forms of estrogen.

How to use: Blend avocado, frozen banana, light coconut milk, and a handful of baby spinach for a detoxifying smoothie.



Alkalizing lemon balances acidity caused by excess animal protein, sugar, and grains. Lemon also loosens and draws out mucus, and sweeps toxins from the liver.

How to use: Squeeze half a lemon in warm water or green tea and drink every morning to stay hydrated and stimulate intestinal- tract muscles.



“This herb is a powerful liver stimulant that can double the quantity of bile and therefore reject toxins,”.  It’s also rich in carnosic acid, a compound that helps the body produce detoxifying glutathione.

How to use: Mince and sprinkle on cooked root vegetables; blend into salad dressings.

Sea vegetables

They’re alkalizing, like leafy greens, vegetables also contain carbohydrate- like compounds called fucans, which reduce inflammation in the body, and some research suggests they benefit the liver and protect the body from radiation.

How to use: Think of seaweed as an herb or vegetable. Toss a piece or two of dried wakame or hijiki into a pot of soup or add a bit of flavor  to salad dressings. Sprinkle kelp seasoning onto popcorn. Use sea palm or kelp noodles for pasta dishes.



Traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to detoxify the liver, curcumin—the active ingredient in turmeric—has been shown to increase the liver’s ability to neutralize toxic chemicals. Curcumin also boosts bile flow, reduces inflammation in the liver, and maintains colon health.

How to use: Look for ground turmeric in bulk; work up to 1⁄4–1⁄2 teaspoon daily, sprinkled on scrambled eggs, added to marinara or pesto, or stirred into cooked brown rice. (Be careful, it stains!)

Remember to  start slowly with any detox cleaning. And consult with your doctor before doing a detox.