If so, you are not alone. Thousands of people struggle to deal with life's great demands. But too much stress can drain our vital energy, and if the energy balance is not restored, a physical illness ensues.
Exhaustion has become an epidemic in the 21st century. There are no easy solutions to remove stress completely from our lives, but there are ways to fight the afternoon slump and sluggishness. Here is how:
Drink Fluids
Believe it or not, dehydration is one of the major causes of fatigue. Dehydrated blood becomes thicker and flows much slower than normal, thus providing slower oxygen delivery to the brain. Therefore, your brain becomes tired and sluggish. In addition, the brain is composed of 80% water. When it becomes dehydrated, it works much slower. To prevent mental and physical sluggishness due to dehydration, drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water or other caffeine-free beverages a day. Try to drink filtered water, if you need to spice it up try putting lemon or lime, if just plain water is to bland.
Eat Snacks
Eating healthy snacks between meals and before bedtime will help your blood sugar level remain steady. That will enable you to avoid energy dips throughout the day. For lasting energy, combine fruits, vegetables, and grains with protein. Consider healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, cheese, and crackers. Avoid high fat and high sugar snacks. They will give you a quick energy boost, but 30 minutes later you'll find yourself hungry again.
Physical Activity
Physical activity elevates mood and promotes a sense of well-being. While increasing your level of energy, it also helps lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and your risk for developing diseases like heart disease. So get off the couch and start a regular exercise routine! I recommend to my patients to get the most benefit from exercise, to engage in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. Or just walking at a steady pace for 30 min.
The best way to relieve stress is to avoid energy draining activities like these:
When you kick back in front of the TV, you think that you are in for an evening of relaxation. Think again! Many programs, especially the news, can cause high levels of stress. Instead of watching television to relax, get off the couch and go for a walk or a bike ride!
Sweet treats are comforting, but may cause your blood sugar to drop, making you want to take a nap. In addition, sugary treats provide you with empty calories that ruin your waste line. Instead, reach for a healthy snack of fruits, vegetables, pretzels, and cheese.
Beverages containing caffeine can give you a quick jolt of energy, but it does not last long. Instead, keep your body hydrated with water and other caffeine-free fluids.
Hopefully this helps you know why you feel tired & fatigue all the time and don't know why. If your fatigue, needs a little more attention then the above, give me a call lets discus this further.
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