Sodium is the new dietary outlaw--and not just for its role in Hypertension...
A diet heavy in sodium can cause puffy eyes, headaches and a craving for calorie-laden drinks in the short run. Over time, it
not only sends blood pressure soaring but may also boost chances of developing stomach problems, osteoporosis and kidney stones. Yet despite decades of government warning and reams of fresh research about the myriad health hazards of excess sodium, we now eat up to 50 percent more than we did 30 years ago, feasting on a steady diet of Packaged foods and restaurant fare that--unbe knownst to many--delivers a whopping 80 percent of our sodium.
People have gotten the message about not using the salt shaker, but they don't realize that's not where they get all the salt in the first place. The problem is salt in processed and restaurant food.
Don't have hypertension yet? Just wait. Most people are well aware that those with, or at risk of, high blood pressure should go easy on the salt.What they don't realize is that means most of us..
A little more than 90 percent of the population in this country ultimately develops high blood pressure. Noting that one-third of adults already have hypertension and blood pressure slowly creeps up after about age 40 (due largely to the cumulative effects of excessive salt intake), leading to a host of cardiovascular problems. Here's what happens: Sodium draws in water, leading to increased blood volume. Like a hose on full blast, that boosted pressure strains at the heart and increases atherosclerosis in the arteries. And if an artery becomes sufficiently narrowed, it can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
The good news: According to one study, cutting salt intake from 9.7 to 6.6 grams per day can reduce average blood pressure significantly within six weeks. If we all cut our sodium intake by a modest 3 grams per day, or roughly one-half teaspoon, it still wouldn't get us to recommended levels, but it would be a good start with extensive impacts.
Stomach and Kidney Problems
Recent studies suggest that excess sodium can also interfere with the production of protective gastic mucos (leaving the stomach vulnerable to pathogens and carcinogens) and breed a virulent strain of bacterium H. pylori, the leading cause of stomach ulcers. And a sweeping 2009 research review concluded that "limitation on salt and salted food consumption is a practical strategy for preventing gastric cancer.And scientist have long known that chronic exposure to excess salt in the bloodstream is hard on the kidneys themselves, potentially leading to kidney stones and in in some cases, renal failure.
Fatigue and Obesity
Even in the short run, a sodium-loaded meal has consequences. Ever feel tired or have a headache after eating a bag of chips? That could be dehydration..You eat a lot of salt and it goes into your bloodstream where it pulls fluid away from the organs, making you tired. Salt also makes you thirsty (often for sugary, calorie-laden drinks) which has many health officials worried that salt could be contributing to the growing childhood obesity epidemic. Cutting salt consumption in half would help kids skip about 2.3 sweet drinks each week, avoiding 61 grams of sugar and 250 empty calories, according to British researchers.
The first step is to take a good look at what you eat during a typical week. If peperoni pizza, french fries, canned soup, grilled cheese, crackers or mac and cheese frequent the list, it's time to cut back in creative ways. Research shows that after 8 to 12 weeks of cutting sodium intake your taste buds will begin to prefer less salt.
So Now How Do You Avoid and Reduce Sodium Intake??
1. Recognize hidden salt mines, such as lunch meats, many breads and baked good (pita, corn tortillas) soba and Chinese noodles, many cheeses (cottage, American) tomato juice and spaghetti sauce, instant oatmeal and coca mixes.
2. Be a savvy label reader. "Reduced" sodium means 25 percent less than normal; "light" means 50 percent less; "low" means no more than 140 mg per serving; "very low" means 35 mg or less and "sodium free" means less than 5mg. When checking the Nutrition Facts Panel, look for no more than 5 percent of the Daily Value of sodium per serving or 115 mg for adults.
3. Seek out low-sodium versions. Choose unsalted butter and reduced-sodium tamari or soy sauce, soups, ketchup, salad dressings and other packaged foods.
4. Eat more potassium. Orange-colored fruits and vegetables (from apricots to acorn squash) bananas, artichokes, bok choy, spinach, Swiss chard, potatoes with skins on and other potassium-rich foods can help counteract the adverse effects of sodium.
5. Finally Order smart.. Ask the waiter if your meal Evan be made with less salt or get sauces on the side.Choose grilled meat rather than fried or breaded. Go easy on sodium heavy condiments for your burger. Ditto with salad dressing and skip the croutons. When cooking at home, use lemon juice, garlic, and fresh herbs to flavor your meals.
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